A long, long time ago, in an imaginary world that never really existed, Robert E. Lee was the paragon of virtue, capability, and honor. He was against slavery but made the honorable and noble sacrifice to fight for his home over that of his country, and when the war was over that he took charge of a small Virginia college and saved it as a bastion of Christian honor open to all to help heal the war's wounds.
True change begins with the name
He was a traitor who took up arms against the United States of America and fought a long, bloody war against the United States Army—all to preserve the institution of slavery and uphold the idea of white supremacy.
As confederate monuments fall across this country, even in such enlightened areas as North Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and even in Richmond, Virginia, the largest and most insidious of these monuments remains: Washington & Lee University (literally largest at 400+ acres).
Until the University recognizes this and make a needed and necessary first step of removing the name Lee, no other progress toward their own stated aims of diversity and inclusion will occur; indeed it cannot occur following the status quo. Non in Cautus Futuri, the school's motto, means "not unmindful of the future." So I and many others call upon the university to do the moral, pragmatic, and, yes, honorable thing to do. The right thing to do.
Robert E. Lee turned down the opportunity to become an American General to be a traitor defending slavery instead.
Robert E. Lee owned and beat slaves and stood idly by in Lexington as blacks where victimized by students.
Robert E. Lee was a miserable tactician who ordered a charge against a fortified position held by superior forces on the high ground at Gettysburg.
Not Unmindful, per its mission believes that any association with the confederacy will act as a millstone around our University's neck. Formed in early June 2020, a group of alumni began advocating for change at the University to increase diversity, inclusion, and equity—starting with the name.
@notunmindul is a Twitter feed (i.e., Lexington) that highlights the need to change the name of the University. Alumni, student, and faculty advocates for diversity, equity, and inclusion—and changing the name of the school—at Washington & Lee University.
Not Unmindful Instagram feed (i.e., Lexington) that highlights the need to change the name of the University. Powerful, visual representations of the stories that we are telling and relating to the wider public.
@dearWLU is an Instagram account that is dedicated to exposing the racism and exclusivity at W&L (undergrad and law) through stories submitted by those who have lived it first hand. Along with its associated Twitter account @haswlurenamed, it is taking the lead on the social media front in exposing the racism, white supremacy and hypocrisy of the institution.
@DearWLU's sister Twitter feed. Provides constant updates on whether the name has changed and highlights other stories of note that are relevant to the effort underway to change our university for the better. Includes a link for people to share their stories anonymously.
WLAC was formed by alumni, students, faculty, and staff advocating for transformative cultural change at W&L. It aims to create a University for all. "W&L needs to change its name. However, beyond this truth, the University’s ties to the Confederacy and white supremacist culture remain present in multifarious ways—including the school’s social landscape."
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